Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Mirror behind your head

She wears glasses so she can see her dreams better.
She’s talking to you  and You think she’s talking to you
You think she’s talking to you but she’s really talking to the mirror behind your head
She tries to tell you her dreams but she thinks she’s you
And she tells you are her and she’s you talking to the other people in the dream

So you begin to wonder if you really are necessary anymore
All you think about is how the plumber struggles to tell
You that she should stop flushing the Va J J wipes down the toilet

She goes down the stairs to talk to Ray the Plumber who’s mopping up the water from the drain that’s stopped he rips open his shirt to show you his open heart surgery scars.
She shows you the cuts she uses to tell her she
Feels herself

They walk apart he from the room sees her across the swollen river
Walking with her son’s hat in her hand
Their eyes meet, they’re not locked as they always been connected
He knows now he must come back
He couldn’t see it all he saw
Was her membership in the sexual disease association

He turns up the music so he can write
It’s the only way he can hear his words and see his thoughts
On the paper or the screen ---no one uses paper any more they use electrons
Electrons gone in an instant to go on a spin in someone else’s mind

That why they call it spin, it spins and it’s gone
Gone for a spin in someone else’s mind and on and on and on

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