Monday, May 4, 2015

Speak to Me Only with Thine Eyes

As the diversities in the world are now more exposed by enhanced media intrusion, cultures are clashing with one world wishing homogenization and the the other, retention of its cultures and values with violent means being resorted to by both.

Where do I begin and does someone else start? By removing words and by limiting physical cues such as smiles and other facial expressions it can be somewhat intimidating to approach others whether they are known to us or not.

The concept of this piece involves a small stage set converted into a headdress. All other elements are a stark black allowing for a creation of an archetype which is a conglomerate of world religions and culture whether cassock, burqa, academic or judicial robes, Saturnian High Priest, ascetic and others.

Black has come to represent intervention, portal or messenger to God, religious ritual, shielding, mourning, protection, isolation and disconnection. The chest placard: SPEAK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES, sets the boundaries for engagement within a reasonably intimate distance.

At whatever level there is an element of absorption of something from each other. Perhaps this can be a step towards questioning to what degree we interact with others and to what degree we protect or must protect ourselves and to what degree we allow our anonymity to prevail.

My intent as the artist and performer is to encourage this type of silent communication and that we will leave small silent pieces of our selves in others to help bridge this gap between our worlds.

Acknowledgement to Dylan Cooper for facilitating and photographing this project.

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